Hurricane Preparedness and Response


Each year, the National Hurricane Center releases a Hurricane Season prediction. Regardless of the number of expected storms, the most important thing to remember is that it takes just one storm to cause damage and disruption. Even indirect hurricane impact can leave areas without power for an extended period of time and cause serious damage.



A hurricane is a type of tropical cyclone, which is a generic term for a low pressure system that generally forms in the tropics. The cyclone is accompanied by thunderstorms, severe wind and occasionally tornadoes. Hurricanes have a range of damaging winds between 74 miles per hour and over 156 miles per hour. These strong winds create storm surges that cause waves to crest over coastlines causing flooding especially in low-lying areas. A hurricane and its bands of surrounding storms also create  torrential rain, flooding and massive power outages.

It only takes one storm to threaten, cause damage and disrupt our lives. A hurricane will not occur without warning, so in the off-season it is important to be educated, develop a plan, and ensure that you are adequately prepared. Monitor the weather closely during hurricane season, which runs from June 1st – November 30th. By knowing your vulnerability and what actions you should take, you can reduce the effects of a hurricane disaster.

Download the Mighty Banyan Safe App
New College of Florida Mighty Banyan Safe app is compatible with Android Smart Phones and iPhones

When a tropical storm or hurricane is forecasted to impact NCF, follow directions and guidance administered by the Emergency Management Team. All official information regarding campus closings, class cancellation, evacuation, and reopening of the campus will be communicated through the main NCF website, Mighty Banyan Safe mobile app, campus email, and by calling 941-487-5000.


Download the NCF Hurricane Guide to provide you information on campus operations and hurricane preparedness tips. Also, housing applications included the form Emergency Hurricane Evacuation Plan, which you should always keep current.

Maintain an Emergency Kit Year-round

Your personal plan of action disaster kit should include:

  • Important documents including license, passport and insurance policies
  • Cash
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Portable charger
  • Food and Water (3 day supply)
  • Clothes/blanket/closed toed shoes
  • Radio

Find more information on Disaster Kits at



If the NCF Emergency Management Team is activated and the President decides to close campus, all non-essential operations will cease until the campus reopens.

Non-essential campus operations include, but may not be limited to:

  • Classes
  • Admissions/Enrollment Services
  • Provost Office
  • Athletics
  • Student Activities
  • Foundation
  • Fitness Center and Library (may be designated as operational during a hurricane closure)

During a campus hurricane closure, certain campus personnel/departments will continue to work on and off-campus during the storm response.


CRITICAL personnel will continue to work on campus while ESSENTIAL personnel will continue to work off-campus.

Critical Personnel/Departments are defined as:

  • Incident Commander
  • Police Department
  • Communications
  • Emergency Manager
  • Operations (IT, Facilities, Physical Plant)
  • Student Affairs (Dining, Housing, Transportation)

Essential Personnel/Departments are defined as:

  • Chief of Staff
  • Legal
  • Administrative (Budget, Finance/Procurement, HR/Payroll)


While evacuation will not always be necessary, it is important that you are prepared if there is a need to leave your residence. Typically, it is only necessary to evacuate to an inland location approximately 25-30 miles away from the projected path of the storm.

The best plan is to stay with family or friends that are located out of the projected path of the storm. However, should you not be able to stay with family or friends—as a last resort—you can go to the closest evacuation shelter.

Always let your RA, advisor, supervisor, or another official on campus know that you are evacuating (whether that is to a shelter or to a family or friend’s house). This is to ensure that you can be located and accounted for, to make sure you are safe.

For information on your nearest evacuation shelter, please see the following area county government web sites:






If the campus is evacuated, do not return until emergency management has directed you to do so. Hurricanes can inflict severe damage to infrastructure, roadways, and buildings. Post-hurricane environmental conditions are likely to be unsafe.

The only personnel and departments that will be on campus are the Campus Police Department and Facilities.

All other personnel/departments will work from home or office operations will cease until after the storm passes and campus is safe to reopen.

Be prepared, be ready, and be safe!


Emergency Preparedness Contacts

These contacts in the above link connect you to campus and local emergency services

Download the Mighty Banyan Safe App

This link above features both Android and iPhone compatible app downloads of the Official Safety App of the New College of Florida for instant alerts

Download the New College of Florida Hurricane Guide

This ten-page downloadable PDF provides much more detail of what to expect in case of a hurricane.

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